Sunday, July 13, 2014

10 Reasons ‘Assault and Flattery’ is Better Than 'Hard Choices'

'Assault and Flattery' is Townhall News Editor Katie Pavlich's newly released second book. In 230 pages, Katie exposes the Democrats' manufactured "war on women" with personal anecdotes and well reported research. Here are ten of many reasons why it is worth choosing over Hillary Clinton's bulky memoir, "Hard Choices."
1. The covers.
Katie is staring you in the eye with purpose. Hillary is in outer space.
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2Katie’s has a clever title.
3. Katie’s book isn’t dripping with hypocrisy.
Hillary likes to claim that she is a champion of women’s rights:
“I have to admit it,” Hillary writes in Hard Choices of several instances of ‘mansplaining by foreign leaders, “I grew tired of watching otherwise thoughtful people just smile and nod when I brought up the concerns of women and girls.”
She didn’t mention the part where she once defended a man who raped a 12-year old girl.
In Katie’s own words:

4. Katie’s book wasn’t overtaken by a book criticizing her.
This week, author Ed Klein’s new bestseller “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. The Obamas,” bumped Hillary off the top of the bestseller list.
5. ‘Assault and Flattery’ isn’t filled with pictures of Katie schmoozing with ourincreasingly unpopular president.
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6. Katie’s book can fit in a handbag. Hillary’s is 589 pages too long.
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7. The back cover of Katie’s book isn’t plastered with 100 pictures of herself.
Wish I could say the same for Hillary.
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8. Katie’s book makes the perfect cake decoration.
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9. Reading Katie’s book is a really fun way to annoy feminists.
10. Katie’s book has received praise from conservative heroes like Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity, who refer to ‘Assault and Flattery’ as a “tour de force,” “fun” and “engaging.”
Meanwhile, Hillary’s book has been deemed a “newsless snore.”
Do yourself a favor and get the book that will keep you interested - and awake.

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